All done... Well, as good as it gets. I will start posting more stuff soon.
Life is been way to busy. I need to get some pictures taken and write up a few things... More to come.
The Star Wars Speeder Bike page is up! I also got the galleries up for the Speeder Bike and my Prusa i3 Mk2 mod to 2.5! I will be doing a a write up on my Prusa upgrade shortly.
I just got the 3 new Star Wars Propel Drones! Will be taking pictures soon.
I am rebuilding the site from scratch. But I do have the images and text. Just not and an easily importable form...It is going to take time to fix. I am not going to re-add all of the news articles.
Most links will be broken until I can fix them. Some will not be fix - the old site is gone. No time to fix it.
Finally getting back to it...
Just finished the CMS Made Simple 2.2.14 upgrade from 2.2.10. It suggested making a complete backup before doing the upgrade, so I made a complete site backup including the SQL data base. So far so good. I finally got that pesky deprecated php error to resolved too. Everything seems to be working so far.
I have been doing a lot of resin printing on my Anycubic Photon and miniature painting (28mm/32mm and some 75mm). I recently got the Anycubic Wash and Cure station. That has made cleaning up the resin prints so much nicer. I am planning some writeups in the near future.
I am still working on this, so please be patient...