Talking Skull Gallery

Jul 22, 2017

More Updates

Posted by: Keith

Just finished printing the last piece for my K2SO head project. Assembly should not take too long (actually, it took a lot longer than I thought - see the project page for more), but finishing will. There is about 20 hours of printing that went into this project. But I am not too happy with the fit of the top of the head. I am going to be reprinting the front, middle,  and back to see if I can get a better fit and hopefully less time required to finish it. I added some pictures to the K2SO gallery so you can see.

I also did some work figuring out how I was going to integrate the RCWL-0516 module into my Talking Skull Project and it is going to be really simple. You only need 3 pins - power, ground and and output. When it detects an living object, it outputs 3.3v on the output pin. And by default, it has a range of ~7 meters. I may have an issue with the 360 degree detection though. The next part of the project is figuring out the sound level module and getting that working with the Arduino moving the jaw. Which actually turned out quite simple. I did order a MP3 player that will be triggered by the detector module. Once that gets in I can move forward on this project.

I do have the camera to put into InMoov's eye. I am just trying to figure out how to route the USB cable from they eye and out the neck. I am pretty sure I am going to need to disassemble InMoov again...

